Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom
people holding miniature wooden house
Deciding Whether to Rent or Buy: A Detailed Analysis

Are you at the crossroads of deciding whether to rent or buy a home? This age-old question has perplexed many prospective homeowners for generations. With the real estate market constantly fluctuating and personal financial situations varying, determining the best course of action can be challenging. But fear not, as we delve into the intricacies of […]

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Heads I Win, Tails I Don't Lose Much

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Playing with FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. The participants try and live a frugal life, save, and invest the money to reach a particular number beyond which one does not have to work. The belief is that you can live on the passive income generated by the corpus. Most of the FIRE literature and discussion […]

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Toxic Ways Millennials and Gen Z Approach Finance in India: A Guide to Financially Empowering Indian Millennials

Introduction In today's fast-paced world, financial independence and security are crucial for individuals of all ages, including millennials and Gen Z. However, it is observed that many Indian millennials and Gen Z approach finance in toxic ways that hinder their financial growth and stability. This article aims to shed light on these toxic habits and […]

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Five Habits of a Successful Solopreneur

 I. Introduction to concept of Solopreneur and Entrepreneur A. Definition of a solopreneur vs entrepreneur Solopreneur is a term that has been coined to describe an individual who takes on the responsibility of running their own business without any employees or partners. It is a concept that has become increasingly popular in recent years as […]

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Financial Freedom
Does Your Financial Planner Think That Early Retirement is Not Possible?

It is a common misconception that full retirement is not possible before age 62. Many financial planners believe that those who desire to retire earlier than the traditional retirement age may never be able to realize their dreams. But is this really the case? It is true that there are certain financial considerations to take […]

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