

Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein argued in their influential book, “Nudge”, that if we redesign our daily environment in such a way that it makes it easier to do things that we want to do and more difficult to do things that we want, it is more likely that our behavior would change in the […]

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The Tyranny of Perfect

Leonard Cohen crooned, rather perfectly:Ring the bells that still can ringForget your perfect offeringThere is a crack, a crack in everythingThat's how the light gets in These are the kinds of lines that set you free. Free from the compulsion of producing something that is perfect. Free from the obligation of creating something that can […]

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Establishing A Daily Routine

One of the essential practices in the vein of Slow Compounding is to establish a daily routine. Daily routine is essentially a set of activities that you do every day and have specific time market out or a specific goal chalked out. Most successful creative artists have a rigorous daily routine that they practice for decades. One […]

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The perpetual amateur

Kids and Adults - A Contrast From the balcony of my house, I can see the kids' playground. It is fun observing kids play for hours, seemingly achieving nothing, trying the same thing over and over and still having so much fun. It is instructive to contrast that behavior with the group of adults. Just […]

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Slow Compounding

In this great Youtube video, Chamath talks about a very important phenomenon for success in any field. He talks about the ability to get extraordinary returns on capital as an ability to work on hard problems in an unique way over a very long time horizon making very small but consistent progress year on year. […]

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